Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Film Galore!

Today I received my first batch of film. All fresh, with expiration dates in 2013. More is on the way. At least I dodged Kodak’s price increase this time. Maybe next time not so lucky.

I’ve been following some threads regarding the latest price increase. Everone seems to have a different take on the reasoning behind it, ranging from seeing what the market will bear to learning which films make money. How about this; just about everything’s going up, why would a niche product like film be any different?

If a roll of film costs $7.50 (and that’s for Kodak’s best film) that’s still only 21 cents a frame (OK, 30 cents with processing). You can’t even get a cup of coffee for that, and a picture lasts a lot longer.

When I do shoot film, I do all my preliminary work in digital. Then I just set up my film camera to mirror the digital setup and take my final frames. Very little film is wasted, so I try not to worry about rising film prices too much.

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