Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Mighty Brownie Hawkeye

The Kodak Brownie Hawkeye, a tiny cube-shaped Bakelite box camera. 

Here it is, my Kodak Brownie Hawkeye. Only this one wasn’t for sale. It was a prop at The Container Store.

I did get a chance to play with it though. It’s quite tiny in real life. It always seems much bigger to me in pictures. To drive that point home I temporarily relocated it and shot it from a low angle with my iPhone 4S. The perspective of the wide-angle lens combined with the low angle makes it look enormous, and in a way, majestic.

These are fun cameras to collect and use. Even though they take 620 film (which you can still get, but it’s expensive) you can easily use 120 film in them, which is cheaper and will be around for a while.

I’m sure a family member had one of these at some point, as I had encountered it in my childhood when it was burned into my memory; it was the iconic camera. One of these is definitely going to find its way into my collection It’s only a matter of time.

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