Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lensbaby Step Up/Shade, Tiffen Haze 2A, Nikon ML-L3

Today I received the Lensbaby 37-52mm Step Up/Shade, Tiffen Haze 2A filter, and Nikon ML-L3.

I cringed when I had to pay twenty five dollars for the Lensbaby Hood/Step-up Ring, but calmed down once I received it. It’s probably one of the best quality step-up rings I’ve ever seen, and came with it’s own little draw-string bag, which can serve double-duty. The B+W equivalent (which wouldn’t work due to the way the Lensbaby Optic retracts into the Composer’s body) would have been $36.50.

The Tiffen Haze 2A is my first 67mm filter purchase, based on some heady research (which I’ll talk about later.) Suffice it to say that it’s one of the most effective, albeit non-coated, UV filters on the market. And, it’s relatively inexpensive.

The ML-L3 will give my D90 “cable-release” functionality for pinhole work. A nice feature is the “click-to-open, click-to-close” functionality of the bulb setting when used with this remote. This should make manual timing of long exposures a bit more convenient.

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